Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mortal Combat

Moon and stars transcending
Dawn breaks upon blue sky
Offering an illusion
Smiles waiting, laughter aloft
Dark clouds lurk, smirking
Raindrops drench parched earth
Complicating each footfall
Delicate step after another
Entrenches one further, deeper
Until trapped, cornered
Changing landscapes mislead
Distorting paths of escape
Desperation drips like sweat
Thoughts converge, entwine, tangle
Suffocating hope’s spark
When darkness again arrives
No light dwells within
Past demons make ready
Old weapons proven viable
New tortures armed, tested
Armor damaged, the heart lies vulnerable
Bloody battles ensue, everlasting
Shields rise up, are knocked aside
Salvation heard, slow, steady
A heartbeat yet remains

by L.L. Shannon ©2008